Organic 4Pod – Kentucky 10ml
Through the use of our SELECTIVE PURIFICATION technique, we are pleased to present the evolution of our Kentucky tobacco extract.
All the taste of Kentucky in the Organic 4Pod version.
An American name with an Italian heart, Kentucky tobacco is the only tobacco variety that brings to life the world's finest cigar of its kind: the Toscano cigar.
Its cultivation is for all practical purposes a niche crop, approximately 1% of world tobacco production: in Italy it represents excellence in the agricultural sector. Kentucky is a tobacco belonging to the "fire-cured" class. The Kentucky tobacco extract stays true to the characteristics of these cigars.
Strong and decisive taste.
We wanted to create a product that could finally represent the ideal product for the smoker who approaches the electronic cigarette, especially in combination with non-regenerable atomizers and pod mods.
Thinning: 5 to 15%
La Tabaccheria d'Orlando D'Alessandro was founded in 2015, after many years of testing and research on the production of tobacco extracts for electronic cigarettes, to be used diluted with e-liquids (neutral bases). Their extracts are handcrafted and "organic" (by "organic" we mean of plant origin without additional addition of artificial flavors); it is therefore plant flavors, extracted from unmanufactured tobacco leaves, therefore containing no artificial flavor.