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The tobacconist

“Our goal has always been, and still is, to invest in research, to offer a product capable of satisfying the most demanding tastes of vapers who seek the natural flavor of tobacco.”

Orlando D'Alessandro

La Tabaccheria d'Orlando D'Alessandro was founded in 2015, after many years of testing and research on the production of tobacco extracts for electronic cigarettes, to be used diluted with e-liquids (neutral bases). Their extracts are handcrafted and "organic" (by "organic" we mean of plant origin without additional addition of artificial flavors); it is therefore plant flavors, extracted from unmanufactured tobacco leaves, therefore containing no artificial flavor.

La Tabaccheria has left nothing to chance or open to customer interpretation. They are the first Italian company to regulate the use of its tobacco extracts according to a specific destination: the dilution of these extracts with e-liquids (neutral bases).

Thanks to the support of collaborators specialized in the production of mixtures, professors of organic chemistry, technicians and a group of "professional vapers", La Tabaccheria has evolved until the application of an advanced extraction technique that , combined with the use of state-of-the-art machinery, allows them to offer Italian, artisanal and top quality products.